Monday, August 29, 2005

Why call a handyman? You've got ME.

This week totally sucks! I'm trying hard not to complain, but jeez Louise, I've got to light a fire under my DH's ass to get him moving. Yesterday he spent 6 (!!) hours cleaning out his HALF of the closet. I finally kicked him out and finished it myself. We were supposed to be painting our bedroom after cleaning the closet. Never happened. Here's what I have done so far this week: Repaired gouges the dog made in the front door. Primed and put 2 coats of paint on the front door. Painted Master bathroom Painted computer room Painted hallway, refinished bathroom cabinets (2 bathrooms) and hallway cabinets Repaired and painted door out to the garage Replaced weather stripping Painted computer room door and trim Washed every friggin' baseboard in the house Painted door frames upstairs. touched up paint in family room, hallway, living room, dining room and breakfast nook and downstairs bathroom Painted windowsills in every room except Ryan's and a zillion other little things Also did every piece of dirty laundry except Ryan's socks---threw them out and bought new ones! In all fairness, I have to say that Rog replaced cracked tiles in the shower, repaired a door frame and bought 2 new doors (which I have to paint). This is an equitable split of tasks?! I still have so much left to do--clean the blinds on 22 windows for one thing. thank God my mom offered to pay to have our windows cleaned! Chores for tomorrow: Move bedroom furniture away from the walls, clean the baseboards, take down the blinds and tape off everything so I can paint the room. Oh yeah--and find homes for all the clean laundry! I don't think we've ever had all the towels and sheets clean at the same time so I hope they all fit in the linen closets. Yeah, I know this is long already, but there's more. Roger has the holiday weekend off so we're cleaning out the garage. I rented a dumpster, so I hope he decides to throw some of his shit away. If we get THAT done, next week I'll clean up the yard, repair the railing on the front porch, do paint touchups on the house and replace my almost dead annuals with some cheap shrubs and throw down bark wherever the yard needs it. OMG, THEN it will be done and we can try to sell this place.


Anonymous said...

OMG, I need a day off just reading everything you did! You are an amazing woman!!


O' Natur Nail said...

You've been tagged!!

See here for details:

TAG - No, Not The Body Spray For Men

O' Natur Nail said...

TAG - No, Not The Body Spray For Men