Saturday, August 20, 2005

Alllll-righty then!

Finally my stomach has settled down a little after all of the condo business. I'm still feeling 80/20 on it. Hopefully the other 20 will kick in soon. It's just so darned depressing to leave the house I've lived in longer than anywhere else and where I've raised my youngest. It's gonna be hard to leave my 2 youngest grandchildren, who live 3 doors down from here, too. I had envisioned them running over on hot summer days to go for a swim or stopping by for cookies and milk after school. Mind you, they are still little--only 4 yrs old and 17 months and THEY won't know the difference. And I will only be 10 minutes away! Somebody slap me. HARD.
My oldest grandchild, Noah, is spending the night tonight for the first time ever. He's 7 and the smartest kid I've ever met! And I don't say this cause he's my grandchild. (He's actually a step-grandson and I'm his bonus grandma, cause he already has 2 others). Anyhow he turned 7 in January and his summer reading included Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park among other stuff. He finished the new Harry Potter in less than a week. We took him out for dinner tonight and he figured out the tip after informing us that it's either 15% or 20% depending on the service.
So we tested him on other percentages and he got them all right. And then recited his multiplication tables up to 12x15. OMG. This is the same kid who moved to San Francisco at the age of not-quite-five and memorized the street maps so he could give his mom directions on how to get everywhere. And knew what parallelegrams and trapezoids were at 18 months. Honestly, I'm NOT bragging---truth be told, he scares me! Besides, he didn't get it from me.
Tomorrow we're off to the air show and then we're going to hunt for the 55 Charlie Brown statues that are hidden all over town. We live in the town where Charles Schulz lived and worked so we are a HUGE Peanuts town. We even have a bronze statue of Charlie Brown and Snoopy in front of the old train depot. And a Peanuts museum and Snoopy's Ice Arena, etc, etc. They ought to call this Cutesy Santa Rosa.

1 comment:

Scarlett O'Hara said...

Peanutsville!!! :-)