Monday, August 22, 2005

I feel like such a shit

I've been really testy lately. Maybe testy isn't the right word. Bitchy is a little better, but that doesn't quite describe it either. Let's just say I've been extremely hard to live with. So poor Roger has been putting up with some real shit. And God bless him, he hasn't deserved about half of it. (The other half was WELL deserved, but that's a different story). Then I saw wearetheliving's post on the NSBB today about real proof that your DH loves you. I missed out on the original post, so I started it up again tonight cause I just had to share my story. If you missed it, here it is again: My DH is always full of surprises. About 10 yrs. ago I had to go in for a second breast biopsy, and I was really scared. The first one came back inconclusive. I had gone shopping the day before and saw a gold bumblebee pin with an amethyst and a peridot for it's body. My mom's birthstone is peridot and my late sister's favorite gemstone was amethyst and my favorite color combination is green and purple. So I felt like it was my good luck charm, since it had those 3 things going for it. But it cost a few hundred dollars and there was no way I could buy it. So I went home and told my husband about it and I said that just seeing it was sure to bring me luck for my biopsy. He didn't say one word about it. The next morning I woke up really nervous about the biopsy I was having that afternoon, and I told myself I was gonna go get that bumblebee pin and put it on my credit card and I'd just have to find a way to pay for it. So I went to take my shower and get dressed. Then I called the store and asked them to please hold the pin and I'd be right there to pick it up. The salesgirl was really nice and told me she had just sold it 15 minutes before. I got off the phone and burst into tears. Anyhow, I got to the hospital later that day and changed into my gown and when I was laying on the gurney waiting to go to the OR, my DH pulled a little velvet pouch out of his pocket and asked me to close my eyes. Then he pinned the bumblebee pin on my hospital gown. He had run to the store while I was in the shower! And I swear that bumblebee brought me good luck! My MD had told me he expected to find a malignancy, and all he found were some calcifications that he removed. I'll never forget DH's thoughtfulness.


Scarlett O'Hara said...

Awwwww! you cried over my wedding pics....and now i'm crying over this post of yours! how sweet!!! you and i got us some good men! :-)

Karon said...

That was a beautiful thing for you hubby to do and shows how much he really loves you. Thanks for sharing that! (norakeno)