Monday, August 15, 2005


This has just been a weird friggin day. Rog may be one of the greatest husbands in the world--he did give me the Harley, after all, and that huge freakin diamond for our 20th anniversary--but he's driving me NUTS. The man is the world's largest pack rat and I can't take it anymore. I'm trying to get the house ready in case we put it on the market soon and I can't believe the stuff I'm finding in the weirdest places. You'd have to see my house, but there are closets everywhere. My upstairs hallway has 2 huge linen closets plus a wall of cabinets. And every one of them is filled with holiday stuff and I don't mean just Christmas stuff. We still have every Halloween costume our 4 kids ever wore. And said kids are now ages 34,33,32 and 19. Nobody's ever gonna be Chip or Dale again. Or Tiger Lily or Capt. Hook. Jeez Louise. The man refuses to get rid of this stuff. Huh? And the garage. OMG. Every box from every small appliance we have ever had is out there. We have boxes for blenders and telephones that broke 10 years ago. We have furniture, tools,a water softener that never got installed (yeah, Roger, THAT was money well spent!) and the old toilet out of the bathroom we remodeled 2 years ago. I guess we could use it as a planter on the deck of the condo we're looking to buy! LOL
And vehicles--We have 3 cars we use, 1 camping trailer, 1 utility trailer, a pick-up truck that was my son's first car--it's a combination 1972/1979 Chevy Luv that is 2 toned--- red under the peeling green paint, a 1965 Mustang that was my son's second car, AND the above mentioned Harley. And not one of them fits in the garage because of my husband's illness---packratitis. AAARGH!
So instead of really getting anything accomplished, I have spent the day sorting out crap. I've felt like I'm in some weird parallel universe all day. I know none of this makes much sense.


Scarlett O'Hara said... thats a funny post!! hehehe...i too, am a pack rat. when i moved in with poor Rob, he had a nice clean house. not any more! LOLOL...i have thrown a ton of crap out...but we still have the spare room full of my shit and i dont know what to do with it all! i dont want throw everything out! but we got no closets here! this old house has zero room to store anything. and the closets aren't even big enough to hold my clothes! LOL

Honey said...

LOL...I've been going through this packrat stuff to, as we prepare to move. I can't believe the stuff my DH and I have hung on to! Good luck getting it all gone!

Remember, too, to Freecycle. One man's junk is another's treasure ;)