Thursday, October 20, 2005

Still smiling!

A lot of people--even some of my closest friends--have never heard this before. It's really hard for me to talk about. Even harder to write it down. It's not really a big deal or a big secret, just hard to talk about. I have lost a lot of people I love in the past 15 years. We ALL suffer loss-it's part of being human. But I had a really hard time with it. Within 5 years I lost my dad, my best friend, my sister,one of my best friends lost 7 (yes, 7) babies due to miscarriage, stillbirth and premature birth. The 11 year old daughter of another friend passed away from complications of muscular dystrophy. My husband's friend died of a heart attack on his way home from work. Other than my dad, who died too young at the age of 63, everyone else was 45 or younger. I ignored my feelings of grief for over 5 years until I started having panic attacks and was diagnosed with post traumatic stress syndrome. I guess I just felt like I was the one who had to hold it all together for everyone, but I couldn't hold it together for myself anymore. Anyhow, I got my shit together and quit feeling guilty about still being alive and went on to live a pretty normal existence. Then on New Year's Eve or New Year's Day 2004, my brother suddenly passed away at the age of 45. His body wasn't discovered for 3 days. He had an esophagitis-related hemorrage and he bled out. So now, the holidays are approaching and I'm depressed and dreading it. I am the only surviving member of my mother's family. I feel a huge responsibility to her and as much as I love her, sometimes it's really hard being the only one left for her. I have my own feelings to deal with and it's hard to deal with hers, too. I am once again feeling guilty about being alive. My dad's gone, my sister's gone and now my baby brother is gone. I can't even go to the mauseleum to bring flowers. I get so depressed when I see their 3 names there. I can't imagine what it is like for my mom to go there and see the names of her husband and 2 of her children. This is a really hard time for me. The move is saddening me, the holidays are coming and I'm missing so many people who were so dear to me. Okay, I guess I just needed to get that all out. Now I feel a little better and maybe I can get something done. I've just been paralyzed lately with this huge depression. And there is no way I want to start spiraling down that black hole again. I just can't deal with it right now. So, off I go, smiling into the sunset. Honestly, I feel better now. Please don't leave comments suggesting anti-depressents. I already take them. Just don't tell me to SNAP OUT OF IT!  It won't work. Thanks for "listening".


Scarlett O'Hara said...

Awwww, Chris! I have no idea what to say I'm just gonna send hugs and prayers your way!


ps - is "yomnt" anything like "vomit"? :-)

Anonymous said...

Chris~~~After Dave died, I too was diagnosed with major depression and post traumatic stress. It was the most horrible time in my life. The drugs just zimbified me...I couldn't even function in life. So, you have my hugs and love going out to you....I do understand what you are going through. I am always here when you need me.

Love you,