Monday, October 17, 2005

Dianna, you suck eggs.

Open letter to Dianna: I can't believe you have just forgotten I exist. Like our friendship was so insignificant that you can forget it! We were best friends for 10 years. We've been through thick and thin together. How many road trips did we take together, laughing all the way? How many times did we call each other Thelma and Louise? How many of your bodybuilding contests did we do together? Who the FUCK paid for your entry fees, your posing suits, your Pro-tan? Who paid for the gasoline, the hotel rooms, the restaurants? And who did it with a smile on her face? And who got shit on in the end? I'm pissed and I'm hurt that apparently I was nothing more than a pocketbook for all those years. Funny, I never minded paying for all that stuff. Back then, the money was never an issue. I guess I resent it now, because looking back at it from a distance, I feel used. At the time, I just thought you were an awesome athlete (I still do) and a great person who just needed a break. We decided to "sponsor" you because you acted so humbly and you worked so damned hard at your sport. And you succeeded when all the odds were against you. Now, I don't exist in your world and you are hardly in mine. I think of you often and wonder how you are. How strange that we no longer have a friendship. How sad that you no longer take part in contests. How heartbreaking that drinking became more important than either.

1 comment:

Scarlett O'Hara said...

I know how that whole drinking thing goes. When someone becomes an alcoholic, it consumes. Nothing or no one exists anymore. Just the booze. I dated a guy like that. For close to a year I was in denial that he had a problem. He stole money and everything from me. Every word out of his mouth was a lie. He even lied to me about his age! LOL..said he was 1 yr older than me! who the fuck cares about that shit? and he lied?? just weird. His mom was an alcoholic all her life as well. In fact, while I was dating Chris (sorry! he just happens to have your good name!), anyway, his mom ended up driving home (well, trying too) from the bar and hit a teenager and his girlfriend and sent their truck thru the front of a store on Main Street. They were fine, but still hurt. They could have died. She went to jail and couldn't believe what had happened. Of course, it didn't phase her in the least. She got out on house arrest and could go to work only. No where else. One day she chose to go next door from where she worked and buy some jeans. Someone saw her and turned her in. LOL...she lost her job after that. I got smart and broke up with the jerk. Whew!!

I know it's hard to realize you've been used by someone whom you thought a friend. But we are all here for you, Chris and love you!! I'll be your friend!! Just like Tina and a bunch of others will too! One door closes....another opens.

Hugs to you!
Jan :-)
PS - i gotta be a good friend, right? otherwise i wouldn't type in "fzojbr" to post this comment! hehehe....