Friday, October 28, 2005

Feelin' Groovy

I have been lazy today. I finished packing up the kitchen, but have left a mess behind. Tomorrow morning I've got to get up early and clean some of this shit. I can't stand working in the middle of a mess. This is the most disorganized move I've ever done. It doesn't help that Roger and Ryan have to ask me questions every five minutes about where and how to pack stuff. Geez! Throw it in a box, guys. At this point I don't care how anything gets packed---as long as it gets done. And I do wish we could just finish one room at a time, so at least part of the house looks like it's done. Nope--they have to skip around from room to room, doing a little here, a little there. It's driving me nuts.
Dianna still hasn't called. I was hoping she'd call before I move just so I can let her know where she can find me if she ever needs to. WHAT WAS I THINKING? ?!?!
I guess I forgot that I no longer exist. I just don't get it--probably never will. How the FUCK can you be friends with someone for 10 years--best friends, even--and then forget the other person exists?
Despite all of the above, I'm in a great mood. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and feeling good about it. I am so looking forward to Thursday night. We'll be in the rental by then, hardly anything to unpack---aaah, the wonders of a furnished rental--- and I'll be able to get some rest!

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