Monday, September 19, 2005

AAARRGGHHH!!! Just shoot me now.

I am so totally exhausted! Mentally, physically, emotionally. It's gonna be harder to leave this house than I thought. We had our first open house here yesterday, so we took the dogs out for the day and went up to check on the progress being made on the new abode. It looks the same as last time, to me. The farmers' market was on the green and it was a LOT of fun. Fresh produce, flower bulbs, pottery and lots of food. And live music all day. We actually stopped at a cafe for a blended coffee and were able to have the dogs on the restaurant patio with us. VERY European! And very unusual for Roger to do something like that. We can go somewhere for the entire day and it will never cross his mind to stop for lunch or a soda or anything. Thank God we don't take long road trips---you could starve to death on your way to the Grand Canyon.
Open house went great. We had over 30 prospective buyers in the first 2 hours and steady traffic after that. All of my neighbors called last night to tell us they'd never seen anything like it. Hopefully someone will make an offer soon. If I have to move, I'd like to just get it over and done with. Roger's still excited about the move, but poor Ryan hasn't accepted it yet. I don't blame him. He's lived here almost his entire life and all of his friends are within a few blocks of here. Thankfully he'll be off to San Francisco State in June and maybe it won't be so bad.
I'm very emotional about it. I've never lived in any one place as long as I've been here, and I have so much invested in this house emotionally. After all, my last child grew up here. I'll really miss most of the neighbors. Most of us have been here since the homes were new and we've watched all of the little kids grow up and go off to college. Wow, it's gone by so fast!
Anyhow, if you want to see my real estate ad (big whoop), here's the addy. You'll have to cut and paste, as I'm too computer stupid to do a link. Believe me, I tried!


Scarlett O'Hara said...

hey! i regonize that house!! you've done a great job! but it was clean when we came too. LOL...what happened to the birds??? hehehe....nice bedrooms!

Honey said...

Looks really nice Chris!

As far as links dear, when you're in the blogger dashboard, where you put your posts, look for the little world symbol just above. That's the link ;)