Friday, November 04, 2005

Flashback Friday!

Memories. All alone in the moonlight...
Seriously. I was all alone in the moonlight. My mom left me outside all by myself late at night when I was 3. She was really pissed off cause I was throwing a temper tantrum and threw me out on the porch. I'm sure it was only for a few minutes, but it seemed like all night to me. This was shortly after I ran with a lollipop in my mouth and I fell and the stick went through the roof of my mouth, missing my brain by 1 and 1/4 centimeters. If it had hit my brain, I would have died. I can see my gravestone now. It would probably say "There's a sucker born everyday. And one killed by a sucker occasionally. Here lies Chris, killed by a lollipop." I digress. I just remember my mouth and head were so sore and my mom stuck me out on the porch where I screamed bloody murder til the next-door neighbor complained. Then I went inside where my mom gave me a dose of paregoric and knocked me out. For those who are too young to remember, paregoric was a strong narcotic, popular in the 40's and 50's for teething pain, colic and anything else that made babies cry. It shut them up. Really fast.

1 comment:

Scarlett O'Hara said...

LOLOL...your mom is mean!!! LOLOL...