I don't know what's going on over on the NS bulletin board. There is so much misinformation! Newbies helping newbies----it's like the blind leading the blind! And it's not their fault. Most oldies are over at Jazzman's BB, so there are not all the people to answer questions like there were a year ago. I cringe when I read some of the replies to posts. Like when somebody asked if they could have asparagus and someone else replied yes---just watch the amount. Whaaaa? Watch the amount??? WHY?? Have as many fucking asparagus as you like, folks! It's not gonna make you fat! Neither is broccoli, spinach, brussel sprouts, green beans OR EVEN peas and corn. Yes, I know they're carbs, but who the hell ever got fat eating peas and corn, honestly? I mean, come on have you ever heard anyone say, "I never should have had that last 1/2 cup of peas cause now I can't fit into my jeans"? It's the Big Macs and fries that make you fat. It the senseless stuffing of your body with chocolate donuts and Kit-Kat bars. It's the BAGS of Doritos and potato chips. I swear, people, it is NOT asparagus!
And medical advice!! OMG! Why would you ask a bunch of strangers for medical advice? Generalizations, maybe, but asking for specific medical advice or GIVING specific medical advice is nuts. I don't care if you ARE a professional--if you don't have access to someone's medical history, why would you give them specific advice?
I don't even give SPECIFIC exercise advice unless I know someone's medical history. Here's a personal example: If I were to ask medical advice or even exercise advice and didn't let anyone know that I have a history of 4 strokes, I would probably receive a lot of advice that would be detrimental to my health. If I were to follow some of that inappropriate advice, I could DIE. I don't know if that's a good example or not. But it's true. So here's my best medical advice---ASK YOUR DOCTOR.
I guess what I'm trying to say here, is take it all with a grain of salt. If you really need an answer to something and what you're reading on the board is confusing or you get 5 different answers to the same question, do a search on Yahoo or Google it or Ask Jeeves for God's sake. Then choose a website that you know is reliable. www.discoveryhealth.com is a really good one-
Or here's a thought....CALL YOUR DOCTOR!!