Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Long and Winding Road

I don't like discussing really personal matters on public forums like facebook, but I have a lot weighing on my mind right now.  Here seems like the right place to leave it. 
The past week has been a crazy week of more neuro tests ~ NCS/EMG's, VNG and ENG.  Electromyography, Videonystagmography and Electromystagmography.  Fancy words for tests to check your nerves cells and balance.  EMG's are done in 2 stages.  Left side on day 1, right side on day 2.  First a tech comes at you with a something that sends electric shocks through your skin to your nerves. This is called a NCS, or Nerve Conduction Study. It's not painful, but it's uncomfortable.  Then the neurologist comes at you with needles that also send electric shocks to your nerves.  He jabs your feet, lower legs, upper legs, hands, forearms and upper arms. More if the mood strikes him.  Forearms and thighs seem to be the most uncomfortable.  My forearms always seem to bruise and make me look like a meth addict. 
Meth arms:

Yesterday was an MRI to take another look at the lesions on my brain. Sounds scary, but lots of people have lesions on their brains.  Weird, I know.  MRI's are always an adventure.  First you lie on your back with a foam wedge under your knees and your head in the back half of a helmet.  Then they put earplugs in your ears and a foam pad on either side of your head to A: keep your head from moving and B: muffle the loud bangs and thumps a bit more. Then the piece de resistance:  They put the front of the helmet over your face and LOCK IT IN PLACE.  You are now at their mercy for about an hour.  Keeping in mind that I have a persistent cough, this is NOT fun.  You have to stay still and every time I coughed or cleared my throat, that part of the scan had to be redone. Just a couple of times, but it extended my time at the mercy of this behemoth of a machine and the technician running it. 

So.  Neuro tests are done for now.  After we get the results, we'll see if I have to have an MRA or anything else. Maybe this new neuro Doc will figure out my chronic headache. And THEN we can try to figure out my full-body charleyhorses!  
Today was a different doctor and scheduling different tests.  I had a telehealth app't with my cardiologist and we discussed my persistent cough, my low oxygen saturation levels, the high HR I had for a few weeks and extreme fatigue. Friday I'll go in for an EKG and echocardiogram to try to figure out why I have PVC's, and a bigeminal heartbeat pattern, and to see how my MVP is doing. I'll get a Holter monitor while I'm there so I can be uncomfortable for the weekend. We already know my high HR is caused by my low oxygen saturation levels. as is the fatigue.  Poor heart has been working overtime to send oxygen to the rest of me!  Then on the 30th, stress test part 1 and on the 3rd, stress test part 2.  
Meanwhile, the only exercise I'm allowed to do is a stroll on the treadmill.  What's the point? 😁😁😁

I need a vacation.  🏖

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