Saturday, October 24, 2020

Uphill all the way

Today has been a struggle.  I sleep most of every day after sleeping all night.  I managed to bake banana bread for Danny early this morning.  Then went back to bed. 💤Baked an apple cake later on.  Then back to bed again.  Ordered my favorite dinner and couldn't eat all of it. I'm back in bed.💤 The anxiety is unreal.  I get really depressed. 💦I just want to breathe normally and have enough oxygen to do things again. I want to think clearly and be able to walk a straight line without holding onto things.  I want to know what's causing this so maybe we can address it and let me feel better. 
Will I ever feel normal again?  Will I ever have energy again?  I've given up hoping it will ever happen.  If it happens, it will be wonderful.  If not, well...I'll be a cranky old lady sitting in bed drinking iced tea and fiddling around on my laptop. 

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