Saturday, May 27, 2006

I'm so happy I could just shit.

This week has been great. Really great. Savannah has perked up a little after her 6 day hospital experience. Unfortunately, she is no longer in remission from her ITP, but she is doing well, never the less. Today she almost seemed like her old self. Happy, playful, no vomiting. Now if we could take care of the diarrhea, we'd all be a little happier, but at least she seems more "with it". The first few days she was home, I really had my doubts that she'd ever feel good again. ITP is a horrible auto-immune disease. During her first bout with it, her platelets were attacked. This time it's her stomach and intestines. Hopefully she'll recover and go back into remission. Meanwhile she's on a bland, soft diet of EN canned food that I puree and feed to her 6 times a day. She takes Carafate twice a day to protect her stomach, Flagyl twice a day to kill off any bad bacteria, Prilosec to prevent heartburn, Reglan to help with nausea and Mylanta as needed. If she doesn't stop vomiting completely, we'll put her on a special type of Prednisone that is made to dissolve at the trouble sites. She's a regular science project complete with charts and graphs!
Kelly is also home from the hospital and doing well. Apparently she has viral meningitis and it will take a couple of weeks to run it's course. But a much better diagnosis than the stroke or Lupus they thought it was. Scary, scary scary. She is still exhausted and still has moments of confusion and incoherency, but her boyfriend Tony is keeping a good eye on her.
And I am happy and relieved and grateful and a lot less stressed than I was for the past couple of weeks. I'm still housebound with the dog, but I see light at the end of the tunnel. Tomorrow will be my first day back in the gym in forever----I wanted to go Friday, but I haven't been sleeping well at night, so I slept in instead. Hopefully, I'll get a good night's rest tonight and I'll be on my way to a kick-ass body once again.


Emily said...

I'm so glad Savannah is doing better. It is so hard when our animals are sick. They're just so helpless. I hope she goes right back into remission and you can put this whole episode behind you. That's great news about Kelly too. That's rough, but at least you know she'll recover. So glad that you have gotten some good news, Chris!

Anonymous said...

Is Savannah one of your pets or one of your offspring? I'm afraid I got lost reading your diary?

Anonymous said...
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